Inspired Career Strategy Session
Discover How to Take the Next Step in Your Career With Confidence and Certainty 

From the Desk of Tami Jaffe
My career started off on a successful trajectory and I was doing well. But then I hit a wall (or ceiling) and came to a standstill.  

It left me spinning wondering what just happening?

I was doing everything right or at least I thought I was but my career came to a halt.

It felt like someone else now was controlling my destiny and I was completely stuck.

Can you relate? 

I enjoyed parts of my job but struggled with the politics, constant reorganizations, leaders that did not motivate me and feeling like I didn't have control over my career anymore.  

I felt stuck and frustrated and wasn't sure what I was going to do next.  

I couldn't decided if I wanted to stay in the same career or do something new; change companies or just stick it out and see what would happen. 


When I discovered what I am going to share with you during our strategy session, I went from feeling like my career was controlling me to being completely in control and having absolute clarity about what I wanted next.
If you are on this page I'm guessing you fit into one of these categories:

You are at a "Crossroad".

You are completely unsatisfied with your job and the stress is more than you can take. It has started to impact your health and you know that you can't keep going like this forever, but you are not sure what to do next. The fear and uncertainty is holding you back from making a change. You are coming to the end of the road and know a decision needs to be made but you don't know what the right move is. You have come to a standstill and it is time to pick the path that is right for you.

You are at the "Middle of the Road." 

You know you want more out of your career and there are several things about your current position that are not ideal. There are certain things about your job that make it too good to leave and other things that make it too bad to stay. You just don't know what to do next. You are afraid making a change could set you back a few years or might not be the right move and you will regret it.

You have "Hit a Speed Bump." 

You are truly ambitious about your career but want things to happen much faster than they are. Things are almost perfect but there are those one or two things that you want to change and need the support to help you figure out the best way to address them so that you can start going full speed again.
If you want to start to take control of your career again, feel confident in where it is headed and get clarity on your next step, then what you'll discover during our strategy session will change everything for you...
I've been where you are and I know I can help.

It's been my mission and passion to help ambitious professionals just like you to succeed.  

Why you may ask?...Because I was an ambitious professional just like you!  

My story is probably a lot like yours: I was not happy with my job and the uncertainty and stress was starting to impact other areas of my life. 

I had spent years getting to where I was and had so many successes along the way but now I was stuck and frustrated.  

And the biggest problem was - I was really GOOD at the job.  

It wasn't about the not being able to do the job for me. It was about not feeling appreciated, fulfilled or like I was making a difference. 

My mentors would tell me to "hang in there..." 

My managers would tell me, "you deserve better but it was out of our hands..." 

But the truth was I had started to let someone else determine my destiny. 

I don't want you to have to endure this any longer. I don't want you to remain at a "crossroads", stuck in the "middle of the road" or slowed down because you "hit a speed bump."  

The Inspired Career Strategy Session is what you need.  

I've helped many people just like you to actually take back control of their careers and figure out their strategy for getting what they deserve.
The most important step I have always taught, that has BY FAR the biggest effect on your job satisfaction and career is learning how
to build an effective Career Strategy.
Because I know that above all else, you want to know that what I’m sharing with you today will have an actual impact on the quality of YOUR career and life, and your ability to find the success you are looking for.

Imagine if you could:
  •  Break the cycle of fear and procrastination, wondering what you are going to do next
  •  Be completely clear on exactly what the next step is that you need to take
  •   Know the value that you bring to any organization or business
  •  Take back control of your own destiny in your career
  •  Have a clear strategy for your career
That’s what the Inspired Career Strategy Session will do for you!
You may be thinking...

"But I'll just look for another job in my company..." or  

"I just need to apply for more jobs..." or 

"I will just wait and see if things change..." 

You can if you'd like to...but my guess is that either you've gone down this path already and ended up with the same frustrating results...or your on you're path to learning that now. 

I can tell you from my personal experience and the experience of working with my clients that eventually you will come to the same conclusion I did...You have to develop a strategy for your career that you fall in love with.   

So do you want to transform your career and life? Are you ready to finally make things easier than they've been before?
Then schedule your Strategy Session Now!
This will be the most effective way to get you back on track and save you days, months and years of staying stuck in the same place you are today.
One hour that could save you months of frustration.
Imagine what your life would be like if you no longer felt stuck in your career because you know the 1 thing that you are going to do next. 

It just takes that first step to get the momentum for change going.   

This is what the Inspired Career Strategy Session will give you. 
Get the guidance you need to create your Inspired Career so that you can get your career moving in the right direction again!
No more wondering what to do next
No more dreading to go to work.
No more bringing your stress home with you.
In the Inspired Career Strategy Session we will review the results of you assessment together and help you determine exactly what to do as your next step.

You will leave your Inspired Career Strategy Session with a plan for success that you know is right for you. 

So are you ready to get your career moving again? 
Get the guidance you need to go from being stuck and frustrated to feeling confident and clear on your next career step.
If you act today you will get the 
Inspired Career Strategy Session
For Only $450 $197
This offer is only available on this page so act now to take advantage of this special offer!

Once you complete your order you will be emailed a link to schedule your Strategy Session at a time that is convenient for you along with a questionnaire to help me get to know you better before our session.

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